Konica C35 + Expired Film

I recently found an old Konica C35 in a local charity shop for £3, working perfectly. I was also given some 35mm film that had expired in 2001 by the local photo lab where I work. When shooting on expired film I expected unpredictable results, so i was excited to see what will come out. The first half of exposures where taken at Lincoln Quarry on the day that I talked about in this post, but I found my focus more on the Rape fields that surround it. I later finished the roll on a walk around Lincoln on a unexpected sunny day.
Unfortunately, during processing the film was scratched but I didn’t edit them out because I felt that it added to the expired lo-fi feel of the images.
These images were scanned at 3600 dpi on a Plustek Opticfilm 7200.